E. Bynum Center
Activities at Bynum
Here at the Bynum Center we not only promote education, we also promote fun with our weekly outings and field trips.
May 2005 Calendar of events for E.Bynum Educational Center
May 2005 Calendar of events for
E.Bynum Educational Center
Summer Camp begins June 6, 2005 Sign up Now
Summer Camp begins June 6, 2005
Sign up Now
Bynum Center Promotes a Safe and Fun Learning Enviroment. Activities include but are not limited to Bowling, Basketball, Movies, field trips, 4-H, Swimming, Universoul circus, Putt Putt, LaserX, Golf, Video games, and much much more.
Bynum Center Promotes a Safe and Fun Learning Enviroment.
Activities include but are not limited to
Bowling, Basketball, Movies, field trips, 4-H, Swimming, Universoul circus, Putt Putt, LaserX, Golf, Video games, and much much more.
Parents are always welcome to accompany child on all field trips.
"We will make a difference "